Tuesday, September 27, 2011


When did we, as Americans, feel we became so entitled?  I am so tired of turning on the TV only to hear about someone suing some large company, or even the government, for 'compensation' they feel they are entitled to.  It's one thing to make sure medical expenses are taken care of when someone else is at fault for something that happened to you, but that's it.  Don't give me this emotional distress BS.  The whole pain and suffering caused by something... yeah, I had that as a child if you ask my parents.  I whined day in and day out about how horribly I was treated and thought I deserved so much more!

I didn't really... nor do most of these idiots out there who claim pain and suffering.  Why is our country in trouble financially? It's because everyone sues each other!  People sue companies and the government, companies sue other companies and the government, even some governments cry foul and sue each other.  No one takes responsibility for their own financial messes anymore... it's always someone else's fault.  And as far as 'having a right' to be 'finanically compensated' for something that happened... I don't think so.

I'm sure it all started innocently enough... for some valid case where someone was not being compensated for something they should be (like medical bills for a work accident or the like)... insurance companies can't make money if they pay claims for every little thing, after all.  At least that's what the lawyers like to say... they're just holding out on you, right?  Gotta love all the 'shark lawyer' ads on TV... they're just your best friend and insurance companies are the most evil industry out there.

Have I been in the situation when I needed to sue someone?  Some people will just claim "I've never been there and I just don't understand."  Well, yes, in fact, I have.  I took this thing called the 'high road' and ignored all the mail I got from lawyers telling me to sue.  Probably would've had a ton of phone calls, too, if I had a landline.  But I was on the back of a motorcycle that was rear ended by some teenagers who were drinking and smoking pot... in their car.  So I have no doubt we could've settled for a pretty penny.  But I walked away from that accident with just some scrapes and bruises.  I could've had a lot of pain and suffering and not known it since I didn't talk to a lawyer, though.

But I'm more annoyed about some of these bigger cases that you hear about... like the lawsuits piling up against the State for the stage collapse at the State Fair back in August.  Okay... #1 - they're still investigating the cause.  It could be 100% the fault of the stage company if it was set up wrong or not properly.  Or, it may have been a freak accident caused by mother nature.  #2 - what the hell does our Governor have to do with a stage collapse??  Does that mean I can name him is a lawsuit from being rear ended on a State Highway??  Can I sue the mayor for a pothole?  #3 - the complaints about the $5 million cap the State has for lawsuits... well, duh!  Of course they're going to have a law in place to keep them from going bankrupt from idiots who file frivolous lawsuits!  If the money is put the the correct use (medical bills, funeral/burial costs) and the lawyers are taken out of the equation, there's plenty.  There's even be enough to give the families that died some extra for 'pain and suffering from loss of a loved one'.  But I'd be willing to bet there was already some life insurance policies in place, so there will already be some other compensation.  Yet, there's a list of lawsuits piling up against anyone who can remotely be tied to this tragedy.  I'm surprised God hasn't been named in a suit.

I think there just needs to be some new laws thrown out there... become a 'no-fault' country when it comes to accident insurance.  Just like car insurance in FL... you pay for your own damages.  Sure, your premiums are higher than those in other states, but if you don't constantly make claims, it goes down.  It's just too easy to sue people in this country... you don't see everyone suing people in other countries.  Greed does some bad things to people and I can completely see how it can destroy a society.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the U.S. state of Nebraska, State Senator Ernie Chambers filed a suit in 2008 against God, seeking a permanent injunction against God's harmful activities, as an effort to publicize the issue of public access to the court system. The suit was dismissed because God could not be properly notified, not having an address.