We actually started on Friday by scoping out our desired appliances for the upgrade there. We actually lucked out and found some good deals! Kind of excited about that (though appliances still cost a pretty penny...). On a side note... anyone want to buy a fridge or glasstop stove?? Both are in great condition (they just weren't stainless). LOL
Saturday we started the painting. We have SO much painting to do. Well, actually, we starting the priming. I have some dark colors in the master bedroom and bath, so first we must prime. Man, primer has some fumes to make you lightheaded! And they linger! we also do some basic fall yard maintenance, just t keep it up for when it goes on the market. After all that fun, we went and bought the rest of the needed appliances. And also bought some new kitchen light fixtures. And some other things to make it look nice at the end of this whole thing.
Today we painted the kitchen and installed the light fixtures. I have to say, so far, I'm jealous of my own kitchen. It's a shame I'll never get to enjoy it. All this work for someone else to enjoy it. So sad.
Needless to say, I'll be spending most of this week painting at my house. I have to paint the living room, the hallway, the master bedroom and bathroom, and at least a couple of accent walls in the other two bedrooms. I don't think I'll ever understand why people can come into a house and imagine their own colors on the wall... why does everything have to be so neutral???
Anyway... as it all comes together, I'll post some 'after' pictures. It should look pretty good when all is said and done, complete with the staging. Probably look better than it ever did when I lived there. Again... so sad. Oh well. 'Tis life, I guess.