Monday, September 8, 2008

A 'Mostly' Good Weekend

So I wouldn't say this past weekend was spectacular, but it was pretty good. Despite my freaking out about my parents coming this weekend.
Friday night was spent home... trying to clean-up. Didn't get a lot done since I was so worn out from working all week. But a little bit happened, which is better than nothing. :)

Saturday, Eric and I went to the Penrod Art Fair at IMA. I'd never been before... surprise, surprise. I'm finding out about all sorts of 'new' things that I never knew about before with Eric. It's nice finally learning the City I live in after 7 years... After the art fair, he and I went and had dinner at Mama Carolla's in Broad Ripple. I love that place! We ate some good food and drank some good wine. And then went home and drank some more good wine with the neighbors. Made for a nice night.

On Sunday, I cleaned and mowed and did other house stuff during the day. There are not enough hours in the day... :( But I had to cut things
short to head downtown for the inaugural regular season Colts game against the Bears. I spoke earlier about my feeling about Lucas Oil Stadium, so I won't go into that. But Wendy and I had a great time (Eric had to head to FL Sunday night for work and he was a total sweetheart and let me have his tickets for the game). Too bad they lost. You can see some of my pictures here, though.

So all in all, the weekend was pretty good... except for all my teams (except Auburn) losing... the Cubbies are on a bad streak (it IS near the end of the season, so it is very "Cub Like" for this to happen), my Jags lost their season opener... but the events that directly related to me were good. And I guess that's what really counts. :)

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