Indiana Christmas
We celebrated our Indiana Family Christmas a little early this year... today. And it was a bit unconventional... but I couldn't have sake for a nice day.
It started very informal... Kelly and Kimber were coming up to see Tran-Siberian Orchestra and asked if we could watch the kids. Of course, that was no problem. But after these informal plans were made, we learned we weren't get to see them for Thanksgiving or Christmas! So that changed everything. We didn't want to necessarily do the full day, sit down dinner type of Christmas... but something. And then Eric suggested Lasagna. Perfect!
So the closer we got, the more I realized I wanted to make this a real Christmas celebration and actually get to see the kids open their gifts. So wrapping their gifts moved up the priority list (not to mention buying them).
Mind you, all this happened in less than a month, where for a week, I was out of the country! So there was a bout of craziness in there. But it was all worth it.
So today came, and I was busy in the kitchen, first thing in the morning. Since most of the adults were heading to the concert at 3:30pm, dinner had to be a little early, which was no problem. I haven't made lasagna in what seems like forever, so I was excited to make it. And it worked out perfectly. Everyone got to the house, just as I was putting the lasagna in the oven, and we ate with just enough time for them to let the food settle before walking over to the concert.
That left Eric and I with three kids, and the fourth on his way. Well, we initially figured we play games, but two of them fell asleep... and so did Eric. I Payton and I played Uno until Nolan got to the house... and then he joined in... and then Paige played some. Finally, everyone seeming to be ready to do something more, and the girls suggested going to look as some Christmas lights. Well, what better lights to see that the giant tree on the circle. So we all coated up and headed out... and managed to get there right before the concert left out. So then Les, Lytta, Kimber, and Kelly met us up there before heading back to the house.
We were all a little cold at this point,but it didn't take long to warm up. It was finally present time for the kids, too, so I'm sure that helped. I think we did alright with gifts (thanks to some ideas from Kelly) and everyone seemed happy. It all happened so quick, though... as kids and gifts often do. But that was not a bad thing, since Kelly and umber had to get back on the road to KY.
So it was a short but sweet visit. But I think it was a win-win as far a Christmas celebrations go... I love when everyone leaves happy.
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