Thursday, March 20, 2014


Today was the first day of spring! But only on the calendar.

Interestingly enough, it's supposed to go below freezing again this weekend. but today, at least it's in the 50's... almost normal. Remember when I said Mother nature was a tease? Well, it continues.

I will say this... it's getting better. So much, in fact, that I might even stop blogging about the weather for awhile. Maybe.

I am actually pretty excited to finally see the warm weather creep back in. This winter reminded me just how much I am NOT a cold weather girl. Not only am I not a fan of the cold temperature, I really can't handle being in them too long. Not even if they're artificially created (ie - super cold a/c). It's just not natural to be in temperature that cold!

Alas, with the first day of spring kind of here, I think I'm going to survive winter of 2014. It was a brutal one, but I made it.

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