Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Bachelorette Party

Last night was the BIG night... the bachelorette party!!

I think I actually had a pretty low key night. Which was what I wanted. I'm too old for the crazy stuff you see out there some nights. I got to hang out with my four best girls... and that was perfect!

We started with some wine, appetizers, and fun gifts on Jen's back patio. It's the prefect patio!! I'm trying to convince her and Tony to come do one at my house!! LOL Anyway... we went through a couple of bottles of wine and a pitcher of sangria, so we head out to dinner feeling pretty good.

At least I was feeling pretty good...

We went to Mama Carolla's for dinner, on the the best Italian restaurants ever! We started having a little fun here - Wendy had a deck of cards with tasks for me to complete listed on each one. Since we had to wait for a bit before we got to sit down, we started trying some of them out. We found a couple of couples that were very willing to play along - they were having as much fun as we were! But we finally got to sit down and get some food. As usual, it was a lot of food and I couldn't eat it all... so I sent my leftovers home with Karen for Chuck to eat. It was too good to get rid of.

After we wrapped up eating, we headed into Broad Ripple. We parked and went to Rock Lobster, figuring we'd have the best of everything there... bar, dancing, meat market... and we did, though by this time, I had so much wine in me, there wasn't much I could do. We went to the back bar/patio and hung out there, continuing with the quest of working through the deck of cards. Some of them were hard - very specific. but I managed to get through a few more...

I was all 'geared up', of course, with the sash and tiara, so I expected to have a lot of people coming up to me. What I didn't expect was all the congrats I was getting. I was expecting more things along the lines of joking about it, warding off getting married, and/or 'good advice' for a marriage. So I was surprised.

Eric had his bachelor party last night, too. His was even more low key than mine, if you can believe it!! They went to an Indy Indians baseball game, a smoky sports bar with a mean bartender apparently, and then Scotty's (downtown) for food. They got a couple of hotel rooms, just in case... and only about 5 of them crashed there. I'm sure he didn't tell me everything that happened... but I don't know. It doesn't matter.

Now we're less than three weeks out! It's almost here!

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