Friday, June 26, 2009

It Comes in Threes

Ever notice how things come in three? Waves, bad things, good things... Most recently and notable, however, is deaths of celebrities. First Ed McMahon, then Farrah Fawcett, and finally, last night, Michael Jackson.

Ed wasn't a big surprise, though still sad. He lived a very long, full life. He will be missed. Farrah was much the same, though her life cut a little short because of cancer. But Michael?? He was a surprise and that one kind of hit me!

It's not so much because I was a big Michael Jackson fan, but more so the fact that he was so big, in general, especially while I was growing up! You couldn't listen to the radio without hearing one of his songs! And he did, indeed, change everything in the music industry, from the dancing to the videos. Who, as a kid, didn't try to do the moonwalk? Who didn't just think Thriller was just the best video (at the time).

So basically, this was a celebrity that I knew. Is wasn't my parents' generation, but mine, whom he entertained. So to get my little news feed text on Thursday evening saying he had died totally shocked me, as I think it did most people. And then to hear most of the radio stations paying tribute to him all day today just made it sink in.

But again, he was one of three great celebrities to leave us this week. And all three will be remembered by the world.

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