Not that this is exciting, but I spend most of the day complete overhauling and cleaning my fish tank. So much, in fact, I established a smaller tank for my fish to dwell until their big tank is re-established enough for them to go back to. Not an easier task. In fact, a bigger task than I even expected! So much, in fact, that the filter still hasn't been turned back on yet. Tomorrow. I also mowed my grass, like a good homeowner, and did some laundry. But most of my attention was focused on the fish until this afternoon.
After all that excitement, I came home and met up with Eric to do more homeowner type stuff... install an attic access ladder! Don't ever let anyone tell you this is an easy task because it's not!! it took us well into the evening hours just getting it installed. We're going to save the finishing touches and details for next weekend. But it's in, at least! Next fun project - tiling the master bathroom! not sure when, but it's due soon!
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