Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What I Did on My Summer Break (Unemployment)

A little play on the traditional 'What I did on My Summer Break' essay kids always have to write when they go back to school. I've been unemployed since the end of June and start my new job on Monday, so I kind of had a summer break, just like the kids! Only, I'm not in school... so I'm going to cut corners and just list things out. Consider this a 'List of Options' for anyone out there that may find themselves in a similar position. These are in no particular order...

1. Build a set of cornhole boards (because who can't use their own set)
2. Clean and reorganize guest room
3. Clean and reorganize computer room
4. Clean and reorganize garage
5. Donate $1500 worth of stuff to Goodwill
6. Go to a concert or two (or three)
7. Take a trip someplace new (and close) to get away from the stress of being unemployed
8. Take advantage of all the local festivals and going-ons around the area
9. Start eating healthier since you have time to cook
10. Watch all 10 full seasons of Friends
11. Keep the memory sharp by going to a seminar in your field (granted, I need it to keep my PE in FL)
12. Get some sun in your own backyard with a kiddie pool on hand to cool off

So yeah... I kept busy. But even on the days I did nothing, I didn't get bored. I truly enjoyed this 'forced vacation' of mine. It's almost hard to think about going back - it's going to be weird to be on a schedule again. But of course, I've got to!

So come Monday, keep your fingers crossed for me at my new job. I'll be learning a whole new aspect of my field, so hopefully it'll be interesting and hopefully I'll like it. :)

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