Cubs Game #2
You knew another one was coming since I had a 'Cubs Game #1' post earlier in the year. Ha
The good news is that we didn't get rained out this weekend! Yay! Yesterday's game wasn't a night game, but it was, at least, a later afternoon game, so we weren't rushed to leave yesterday morning. Though maybe we should've been. Thanks to INDOT for closing a 50 mile stretch of I-65 northbound (when only about 5 miles needed to be closed), causing a chaotic detour did cause us to be later than I had wanted (I had wanted to get there early, for once). When we saw the delay from the detour wouldn't get us there early, we decided to check in to the hotel and take the red Line to Wrigley - only missed part of the first inning by doing this.
It was actually a pretty good game against the Giants, too, with the Cubs coming away with a win, 8-6! This is a nice change of pace because usually after the All-Star break is when the Cubs go into Decline. Maybe this really is their year! I guess there's still a long way to go, though...
After the game, we went back to hotel to freshen up. It was still early enough that we could actually go somewhere for dinner... and we decided to go to Eataly. I love that place! Always good food, and you can turn around and buy what you ate on your way out. Which, we did go back there before leaving town this morning... not to buy what we ate last night, but to buy other goodies. Starting to become our routine when we go to Chicago.
No Ikea this trip, if you can believe it. Just didn't have a reason this time. But we did do Fair Oaks Farm's new restaurant. We were actually a little disappointed... maybe they're still working through some kinks? Willing to try it again, but I think I'd rather do the grilled cheese at their deli-style shop across the parking lot any day!
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