Haven't done a blog like this in awhile... just some random venting and observations that have been on my mind lately. Not enough to blog about individually, but just fine to blog about with other randomness...
First topic... political correctness is the biggest shelter we put on our kids nowadays. Shoot... we use it to shelter ourselves and it's complete BS! In my opinion, political correctness has completely bashed our Freedom of Speech. I seriously can't say something because it offends someone else in the slightest way? Really?? And have you heard the latest victim of PC... school tests in New York. Apparently, someone came up with a list of words to be banned from school tests because they might offend some of the kids. What kind of words could these possibly be?? Um, lets see... Birthdays? Disease? Dinosaurs??? Wow... really??
I miss the days of things being named for their location or after something significant (like Deer Creek Amphitheatre or just The Murat Theatre). I HATE how everything has commercial sponsors now, and they get their name on the venue or the event. That does not in the slightest influence my decision to use services or products from that company. In fact, it has the opposite effect and makes me want to even go to the venue less! I think it just further proves how out of whack our economy really is when places have to rely on commercial support in order to survive/compete.
I think society is starting to take on a mob mentality about EVERYTHING! Maybe it's the 60's protester regimen all over again, but it doesn't take much to get people to 'rally' for or against something and loudly voice their opinion as part of a group. Yes, we have that right. But sadly, so many of the 'mobs' seem to be misinformed about things and the loud voices start to sound ridiculously stupid when all the facts get thrown out there. Are we really just that unhappy about things in our society now?
Politics are in abundance again with the upcoming presidential election looming once again. I'm starting to wonder who's influencing who, though... I used to strictly blame the idiot politicians for convincingly playing the finger pointing game, enough to influence their constituents to do the same. But I'm starting to wonder if it's actually the misinformed constituents being so loud and obnoxious about their opinions that the politicians have to reflect what the constituents are doing. Of course, they do so in order to stay in office. I still think politics have become a pure scam. We really need to go back to the drawing board on all levels and relook at what really works and get rid of the rest of the policy and procedure when it comes to politics.
For example, I think it should be required, that in order for and politician to be elected at any level, they must have lived out of that jurisdiction, whether it be that city or that state, in order to have a better perspective on how things work elsewhere. Might help with sheltered laws some of or politicians come up with. And if you want to get elected to a national office, you must have had some form of international relations, whether it be living overseas, military experience, or acted as a liaison/diplomat in some form to complete business with(in) a foreign country. Again, it opens up your perspective about things.
I seem to be coming across a lot of 'chameleons' in my life lately. What I mean by that is people who literally change to fit in with their surroundings or change 'who they are' to attract someone. Granted, I know it can be tough to be yourself in an unfamiliar environment, but in the long run, it's worse if you change things up to fit in. And if you change FOR someone, what's the point?? Then you have to be this 'other you' for as long as you know that person. Unless you're a really good actor who can ultimately convince even yourself that you are actually this alter ego, then eventually it'll come out that it's not the real you. Then what??
Okay... that's it for now. I feel somewhat better.
Life is a journey we all take, and every journey winds us down a different road. Some are more treacherous than others. Others think they have a hard road until they meet someone else. I’m a believer that you control the road to your own destiny… to a certain point. You can choose which road to go down, but those roads both lead you to the same point, which is your ultimate destiny… who you are and who you were meant to be. The journey you choose is simply the experiences you go through to get there. I’ve never thought my journey was one of the more difficult ones. Interesting, yes, but never one that threw me into circumstances I couldn’t handle or felt harshly defined me in some way. Nothing ever made me stop in my tracks and wonder if I was going to make it all the way down this road and make me question if I should have chosen another route.
Recently, though, I met someone who has had a more difficult journey and has had many instances, it seems, to choose the easy or hard path. She’s a recent transgender, and we’ll call her Jenn for purposes of talking here. When I met her, I knew she was a transgender, but I had no idea how she got there, nor how far along she was. I had lots of questions, though… you see transgenders on shows like Jerry Springer, but most aren’t like that. Then you have the recent publicity of Chaz Bono, which gave the transgender community even more of a spotlight. But I don’t think most jump into the spotlight – they just go about things as who they feel they were meant to be.
Needless to say, I had so many questions going through my mind that I was curious about with Jenn. But I hardly knew her and wasn’t about to ask. Never actually meeting anyone who was a transgender (either way), I was very intrigued and just wanted to know more. And since I never knew her before she was Jenn, I had no idea what she used to be like in terms of what brought her to go through such a life change so far into her life. Though it was clear she had an amazing support network based off the spurts of conversations we had in our little group.
Then I discovered she had a blog. Oh, the world of blogging, where you can ramble about whatever you want and have no idea who will eventually see it. But reading about her life since the full coming out as a female, as well as some of her stories about growing up, were like a novel I couldn’t put down. She has been through so much and growing up in a relatively small town made it even more so. It gave me all the perspective I wanted with the questions that were going through my mind upon our first meeting. Some of the internal battles she dealt with growing up, knowing from such a young age that things just weren’t right. Some of the initial battles with the outside world from small town ‘townies’ that just didn’t get it. Even following ‘standard protocol’, getting married and having a child (who’s now grown). I was most impressed about how supportive her wife was through it all – the extreme support of a spouse that shows why you marry your best friend in the first place.
In my opinion, she should turn all of these posts into a book. I know there are a lot of people out there like me that are just curious, but either don’t know anyone, or know anyone well enough to strike up a conversation of, “hey, why did you decide change you gender?” I knew there was a story behind it. But you never know if it’s a story they want to share, or if they’re of the opinion of, “That’s my past life and I want it to stay that way – in the past.” One thing I can say for sure is that it takes a very strong person to take that step and decide that it’s time to fully commit and change to the other gender. But then I also think it takes a strong person just to be in the shoes of someone that feels like that… to have to hide that side of your personality and only let it out in bursts, often in private… I can’t imagine having to live like that.
So I don’t know if Jenn will ever actually read this. But like her blog, mine is just as public. I hope if she ever does, though, she knows that her journey, though tough, is actually quite inspirational and I hope she continues to stand proud, as she has been. If anyone knows how a journey leads you to who you were meant to be, it is her. And she’s also one that knows how the roads you chose make you stronger along the way.
It is just unreal how quickly Spring has come upon us. We're wrapping up a week of high's in the 70's... we even had one day over 80 degrees. Which is crazy because just last week, we had highs only in the upper 30's! But looking ahead, our normal, average highs in the 50's are no where to be seen! What happened Mr. Punxsutawney Phil?? Where is this extended winter??
What really sucks, though, is that if we do get one freak, freezing spell, which is not uncommon in Indiana, then Spring could be destroyed. Literally. Everything is starting to bloom and buds are on just about every tree. So one freeze and we will have a lifeless, colorless, Spring. Which would be sad.
But then again, as I said, looking ahead, I don't think that's going to happen. I truly think Spring has sprung... and it's here to stay!
When I first moved to Indiana, they didn't do daylight savings time, and I LOVED that! It took awhile to get used to, but after I first adjusted to my family changing times and me not, it was no big deal. I thought we had the best of all times... winter obviously was the same as everyone else, but then in the spring, when everyone else went to DST, we still had standard time and still saw daylight in the AM and the darkness fell and a normal hour at night.
When the debate came up to START daylight savings time, I was avidly against it! Especially when they were talking about going to Central Time - I lived that on this longitude - it would get dark at 4pm in the winter! It SUCKS! But on the flip side, on Eastern Time during DST, it's stays light until nearly 10pm during the peak of it! That sucks, too! I'd rather be able to drive to work in a little daylight! Why did they want to do this again?
Oh, yeah... it saves energy. What??? Who are you kidding?? Just because you don't have to use lights at night for as long, doesn't mean you don't use them less. Since we are workaholics in this country, we get up way before dawn, anyway! Now they just have to be on longer in the morning. Hello!?? You didn't magically gain an hour of light - you don't control the rotation of the planet - it just shifts the hours when you get the light!
A majority of the world no longer recognizes daylight savings time. There are even some parts, mostly is the less civilized parts of Africa, that NEVER recognized it. Most of Asia and Australia no longer recognize it. Ironically enough, some of the most industrialized countries are the ones who still recognize it. Who are we kidding? In today's age of technology, we're the first ones who should've STOPPED recognizing it! Yet here we are, still practicing it. We still mess with our internal clocks twice a year to do what? Nothing that really does us any good.
I know this is only a blip on any political radar. I can almost say, without a doubt, I'll never see this county wake up and realize the unecessariness of doing this. I hate that Indiana went backwards in this practice. But I'll stop here before my tyrade goes off on a tangent. It'll only get worst the deeper we get into this coming politcal season. So better to spare anyone that reads this now.
Yesterday was a fun day. Check that... an awesomely fun day!
My good friend, Jen, organized this spectacular girls' outing! We all met up at her house before dividing into groups to scavenge the city for ingredients to make a spectacular dinner! Ultimately, there were eight of us, so we divided up into three groups... appetizers/sides, main course, and dessert. I ended up doing desserts with Karen and Wendy, so we ended up having a great time running around and catching up as we went.
After the hunt for ingredients was complete, we headed to Kiss Z Cook up in Carmel to do the cooking/baking. This was such a great idea on Jen's part because there's no way we could've done all this in anyone's kitchen - needed lots of counter space, and multiple ovens! It turned out great because we all brought our own twists and talents to the meal.
So the meal? Yum!! For appetizers, we started with some basic bread with various spreads, and then some stuffed dates wrapped in black forest ham!
Wow! Then for dinner, we had TWO styles of pork loin, one stuffed with blue cheese and topped with a cherry reductions, and one with a mango/avocado salsa.Our sides consisted of sweet potato ravioli and roasted veggies, consisting of turnips, carrots, and brussel sprouts. Finally, for dessert we baked up a strawberry rhubarb crumble. With vanilla ice cream, of course!
We were all so stuffed by the end and everyone was raving about everyone else's dishes. We pretty much instantly this needs to become a regular thing, maybe once and season or so. And maybe we'll even figure out a way to do in in the comfort of someone's home. No matter what, though, it's a great time!
So, the rumor is Peyton Manning and the Colts will be parting ways soon... like, tomorrow. Since I live in Indianapolis, I've been hearing the 'controversy' for months now. And that's given me plenty of time to form my own opinion. A little warning... a lot of my die hard Colts fans aren't going to like it.
Peyton's career is done. Over. Finito. Fin. However you want to say it... even if he were to play again next year, he will never be the same. He has had a LONG, wonderful career that any quarterback should be damn proud of, and I'm sure he is. And I'm sure he didn't want it to end this way - he wanted to go out on his own terms.
And it's not just the fact that he's had SPINAL FUSION SURGERY! Is everyone reading that? Do you know what that is?? That means two or more of your vertebrae become one. Which means less flexibility. Which means more prone to other injuries. Yes, it feels better than a messed up spine, but it's not something you should go out and on a football field with where you are bent and half at least once a game. I don't care how good your offensive line it... it still happens. But come on people... he has passed his prime!
Thirteen seasons, people, THIRTEEN! Yes, there have been longer. But it's usually shorter. The average career for any player is 3-4 years. A quarterback might get 6-7 if he's lucky. And Peyton's had 13. With the same team. Another amazing feat. When I was at Auburn, I watched him play against us when he played for Tennessee. That was a long time ago, people. So his 13 years in the NFL don't even take into account how many years he played football before that. He's not Superman, despite what some people seem to think.
With that said, I love Peyton, and agree he will be greatly missed. He helped keep Indianapolis shining bright when everything else seemed to be going dim. But it's time for him to move on with his life - he still has a great future ahead of him, just not ON the field as a target for defensive lineman to crush. And the City of Indianapolis and the Colts need to move on, too, and prove that they can thrive without Peyton. Show the world that he was just the spark to ignite a passion in this City that won't burn out, no matter what the forecast is for the Colts or any of our other teams.
I love that weddings have broken away from the tradition of being in a church. That's just not for everybody and I've been to some really cool venues because of it - places I never would've known about, otherwise. Earlier this year, it was The Historic Davenport Hotel, which was an amazing place - but when would I have ever been to Spokane? Last night, Eric and I went to another cool venue for a wedding... The Anderson Center for the Arts... also a former Carnegie Library and has maintained its historic beauty!
But I never would've went to Anderson just to see it... which is interesting, because this was my second wedding in Anderson, IN, both of which were in beautiful, historic buildings!
So onto the event... it was hard not to be beautiful inside this beautiful building, but in all honesty, the simplicity of it all is really was made it a nice wedding to attend. The ceremony was simple and sweet, with Jen and Geoff reciting their own vows.
And as the space doubled for the both the ceremony and the reception, all of the guests were able to sit at their table and watch the festivities unfold in the grand rotunda. It was a very "informal, formal wedding" (for lack of a better term). You never felt uncomfortable due to the high intensity of a set schedule, but the simplicity gave way to an elegant event that Eric and I both thoroughly enjoyed, even though we only knew a few others in attendance.
And just like that, the weddings for 2012 are over. I think. At least as far as I know... no one else we know is engaged, so unless there's a shotgun wedding in our future, it's at least unlikely there will be another wedding for us to go to. Not that I don't want to go to any more weddings. it's just an interesting fact occurring in this timeline we call life.