I know I said I'd limit the weather posts... but it's finally spring!
At least on the calendar. But the weather hasn't been too horrible. Great, no... but not horrible. We've had some 'warm' days that have given us a hint of what's to come... but it still seems cold for March! And the weatherman agrees - we've had a lot of below average days. And there's still snow in the forecast. We didn't get a lot, but I'm so tired of the snow this year. I think it's because it's been so cold this year. And I had no garage. Still. But I digress.
So yeah... Spring is here and I'm really hoping it warms up quickly and stays there. We even threw some grass seed down today, in hopes of it germinating and taking care of some of the mud the snow left behind. And a few of the tulip are trying to poke through. But it's actually later than in years past... our neighbor's tulip tree is normally in full bloom by now! I'm so tired of looking at all the 'blah' browns/greys and lack of color around here.
Spring Break is the other thing... it seems like everyone but me is taking a true spring break vacation. How is it that the person from FL is the one NOT going to FL soon? Complete bummer... I think I need to plan something. Ha Ha I wish I could... maybe a late spring break? I don't know... nothing can be determined yet. Too many other things happening (mainly with work). But that's a whole other story.
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